紫雪花~ 這篇討論裡面,相關的訊息轉貼如下: With regard to unbleached bakers flour, I have found that "Wallaby" flour made by Laucke works well. It has 11.9% protein. I get this from my local Coles (Hurstville), in 5kg sacks. I also know of a fruit shop nearby which sells Manildra bread flour in 10kg bags and very economically priced, but haven't tried it. I have tried Defiance Baker's Flour but found the resulting bread to be hard and not very well risen. If you look on Laucke's website, they also make several types of other bread flours for different types of bread, with varying protein and water absorbency, but I haven't found these at supermarkets. ======================== If you are in Sydney, you can get Italian bread flour at Essential Ingredients. A 1 kg bag costs around $4, and the protein content is 12.5%. ========================= I bought some Eden Valley Premium Baker's Flour (biodynamic, which the package says is particularly well suited to bread making. I got it at Leo's Supermarket, $4.55 for 1kg. ========================= Good brand (and only one I can find) is Lowan's Gluten flour and I just add to the plain flour here depending on what kind of bread I'm making. ========================= 這幾個建議裡面,我覺得最後一位說的也許對你幫助比較大,可以買小麥蛋白gluten flour回來,加在一般麵粉中,就能調配出筋度較高的麵粉了。