小麥蛋白/ 麵筋粉
Wheat Gluten
大型的美式超市有售。紙盒或塑膠袋包裝都有,名字叫Wheat Gluten Powder。放在Baking Needs貨架上,在Cake Mix、Biscuit Mix或雜糧粉(Five Grain Powder)附近,可能不容易找到,建議詢問超市員工。 Available in large supermarkets. Can be found in paper boxes or plastic bags. Mostly labeled as “Wheat Gluten Powder” and placed in “Baking Needs” aisle, next to Cake Mix, Biscuit Mix or Five Grain Powder. It might not be easy to find, suggest asking for help from the supermarket.
poudre de gluten
綜合說明: 提煉自小麥粉裡的蛋白質成份,使用在麵包製作中可以提高麵團筋性。 中筋麵粉若添加小麥蛋白,可以用來代替高筋麵粉。 麵筋粉可以製作麵腸、麵筋、烤麩等食材。 Produced from wheat and can be used for making bread to form an elastic texture for its high protein. You may add Wheat Gluten into All-purpose Flour to substitute Bread Flour. With Wheat Gluten powder and water, you may make vegetarian gluten balls and steamed Kao-fu.
相關資料: 高筋麵粉
建檔日期: 1/20/2005
瀏覽:25621 (since 2005-2-1)