海洋微生物的旅行 / 路透社
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一位參與一項研究(British Antarctic Survey)的海洋生物學家(David Barnes)說海中人類拋棄的垃圾比我們以前想像中的危險多了,海中廢棄物的問題必須得被重視。這些垃圾在副熱帶地區傳播兩倍外來物種,在高緯度地區傳播就不止三倍了。
Barnes正在擴大他的研究,尋找可以在其他島嶼進行沿岸垃圾調查的人,這些島嶼包括了 the Andamans, L'Ile Amsterdam, Bermuda, Chagos, Clipperton, Cocos/Christmas, Gilbert, Midway, Society, Socotra, Trinidad, 及 Wake. Barnes的email是dkab@bas.ac.uk.
Marine organisms ride plastic, threaten ecosystems
Thursday, April 25, 2002
By Patricia Reaney, Reuters
LONDON — Marine organisms traveling on flotillas of discarded plastic and other human-made rubbish are invading Antarctica and tropical islands and threatening native species, a marine biologist said Wednesday.
Armies of barnacles, mollusks, sea worms, and corals are hitching rides on floating debris and moving into new areas where they can endanger native species and drastically change fragile ecosystems. Antarctica, the Seychelles, Madagascar, and areas which have the most endemic species are most at risk from the invaders.
"Rubbish at sea is much more dangerous than we had previously assumed. The problem of dumping at sea has got to be addressed," said David Barnes, a marine biologist at the British Antarctic Survey. The debris has doubled the spread of alien species in the subtropics and more than tripled it at high latitudes.
Marine organisms prefer to travel on discarded plastic containers, cigarette lighters, and milk crates than on natural matter such as coconuts or logs. Because the human-made garbage is so abundant it is easy for the organisms to hop on and travel to virtually anywhere in the world. "In the tropics you have up to 50 percent of debris being colonized," said Barnes.
Closer to the poles, humans have quintupled the amount of material floating on the ocean surface. Invading marine species could irrevocably change ecosystems in Antarctica, particularly if global warming weakens the natural seawater barrier that keeps out alien species.
"If freezing seawater temperature is the main barrier to alien organism invasion of Antarctica, polar warming could lessen this constraint," said Barnes. "Nowhere has the same levels of species which occur there and nowhere else."
Barnes' findings, which are reported in the science journal Nature, are based on a 10-year study of human litter washed ashore on 30 remote islands around the globe. Plastic dominates the rubbish in most places. It is the most durable type of litter and is more readily colonized by organisms than other materials.
"When a new species arrives in a place like Galapagos, it has the potential to displace the native species which are there and only there," Barnes said. "Once they are displaced from an environment which is the only place they occur, they are gone forever."
Barnes is expanding his research and is looking for people who can conduct shore debris surveys on other islands, including the Andamans, L'Ile Amsterdam, Bermuda, Chagos, Clipperton, Cocos/Christmas, Gilbert, Midway, Society, Socotra, Trinidad, and Wake. He can be contacted by email at dkab@bas.ac.uk.
Regulations forbidding the dumping of waste from ships has begun to make a difference, but Barnes said more needs to be done because once an invading organism gets into an area, it is impossible to remove it.
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