¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@Wilton  ->  Wilton Level 1¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@~~Last updated¡G2004.4.21.

Wendy started learning Wilton cake decorating in April, 2004.

Here are some cakes that I finished for Wilton class.

Though they are not mature and far from perfect. Hope you find something interesting!

If you want to know more details about cake decorating skills of these cakes

Please click on Wilton's web site for on-line demostration videos

Or call any local Michael's store for class sign-up.


Practice¡GRose Ring

Front view Front view

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Body¡G8" sponge cake.

Decorating¡Gbutter cream icing (white shortening 480 ml, confectioner's sugar 900g, water 4~5 tablespoons).

Tools¡Gturn table, spatula, tips (#3, 21, 104, 67), piping bag.


This cake was inspired by a picture from the Wilton Level 1 book. I think this kind of white cake with a lot of roses is very elegant and romantic for smaller parties. I arranged the roses loosely to make it look simple and clean. And since my cake is not tall enough, so I designed to pipe two thin strings on the side to make it look taller.

The picture of the book only shows the side view of the cake, so I spent a lot of time thinking how to decorate the top. I drew few blueprints for it, but when I actually made it, I didn't look at any of the previous designs. Just pipes a lot of small dots, and then it turned to be nice!:-)

It's kind of upsetting that my camera doesn't seem to catch the pure white color well, so the photos are not very good. I need to learn more about photography to improve my skill, I guess.


Final Project¡GClown Cake

front view front view
close view close view

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Body¡G8" sponge cake.

Decorating¡Gbutter cream icing (white shortening 480 ml, confectioner's sugar 900g, water 6 tablespoons), color paste, 2 clown heads.

Tools¡Gturn table, spatula, tips (#3, 21, 12, 67), piping bag.


This is the final project for Wilton Level 1 cake decorating class. You might ask why most people who took Wilton class make clown cakes. Well, because this is one of the demostration cake on Wilton book. It doesn't require difficult techniques, but looks nice and fun.

For the whole Level 1 class (4 weeks/2 hours a week), my teacher only asked us to finish this project in the last week. I saw some other friends made 3 cakes for Level 1, which might be better because finishing a complete cake is more challenging, and can learn a lot more!

When I designed this clown cake, I meant to do it in a different way, but it's hard to jump out of the impression after you've seen the demo cake on book. Finally, I decided to have the clown sitting on the edge of the cake, break the border of the cake, to make the cake more interesting and kind of different from other people's clown cakes. ^_^
