¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@Projects  ->  Sample Wedding Cake¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@~~Last updated¡G2005.4.15.

Wendy started learning cake decorating in April, 2004.

Here are some projects that I designed and finished...


Sample Wedding Cake¡G



Body¡G6"x3" Italian Cream Cake, chestnut filling.

Decorating¡Gfondant, gum paste, butter-cream, royal icing, color paste, luster dust.

Tools¡Gturn table, spatula, wires, cotton, blades, toothpicks, leaf mold, bead maker.

Base¡Gcardboard, ribbon.


The orchids are made from gum paste. Make the heart on wires first, after it's dry, roll the gum paste and cut out the petals. Trim the edge and press on leaf mold to create the texture of leaves. Overlap all petals and make a hole with a toothpick, insert the orchid heart into the center and glue to attach. Tear some cotton to support the petals. After drying for 2 days, it may be dusted with luster dust.

This is a sample cake specially made for a friend who ordered a wedding cake from me. The wedding day will be in May. I wanted to help them decide the design and the flavor of the cake, so made this sample for them to taste. The cake is Italian Cream Cake made with walnuts and coconut flakes, then fitted in home-made chestnut filling.

Dealing with these fragile orchids is very tough... Becasue of the open and thin petals, it's very easy to break the petals. I broke two orchids while assembling the cake. It's so frustrating to see the orchids falling from the cake and breaking the petals!! After this sample cake, I plan to make at least 30 orchids for the final cake.~~:P